Card Garden - Sprint 5
My Completed Tasks:
As a designer, I would like cards to show me readonly values of the stats available to me so that I can see what a card's stat is at any level.
To start off this sprint I began by finishing up the readonly stat values task that I had started previously. This is super helpful for the designers to see the calculated stats of the card at all levels, and balance the game accordingly.
After completing this task, I was able to see that the Attack Rate stats were not being calculated correctly, and made the proper adjustments in order to fix this bug.

Next I added some new cards into the game:
As a player, I would like to be able to play a card to build my Honey Pot building.
As a player, I would like to be able to play a card to cast a Bee Spell.
As a player, I would like to be able to play a card to build my Apiary Building in the game.​​

I then spent some time adjusting the enemies so that instead of using a prefab they use a scriptable object very similar to a card. This allows the enemy stats to be set and calculated in the same manner as minion cards, and improve the workflow of the designers.
As a player, I would like the stats of my enemies to level up so that the level of difficulty in the game feels balanced.
As you can see, this Archer Enemy scriptable object looks extremely similar now to a minion card.
Unlike minion cards played by the player, enemies have a few unique stat values including:
Movement Speed
Gold Dropped
Enemies also do NOT have a spawn time or spawn particle effects associated with them.
A major benefit of this system is that rather than having 20 enemy prefabs for 20 levels of an enemy, we can now add a task to have levels be adjustable from the advanced spawner, and reduce the enemy prefabs to just 1 per enemy type.

I have started on the task:
As a player, I would like to be able to earn new cards as I progress through waves of enemies so that I can feel rewarded as I go.
However I have not made enough progress on it to show off anything for this Sprint, and will need to finish it first thing in Sprint 6. This will allow players to earn new cards in the deck when completing an encounter.
Admittedly this has not been a very productive Sprint for me. I'm hoping to pick the pace back up and get a lot more done in the next Sprint!
For Sprint 6 I will be improving the look and feel of cards by:
As a player, I would like to see art for my Standard Set cards implemented in the game so that I may feel like I am playing a more completed game.
As a player I would like to be able to click and drag the cards in my hand so that I feel like I am interacting with a hand of cards.
As a designer I would like the card UI to be resizable and function on an auto scaling system so that I can change and manipulate them with better ease.
As a player, I would like to be able to play a card to deploy my Queen Bee Minion.
As a player, I would like to be able to play a card to deploy my Winter Snow Minion.