Sprint 3
For the third week of work on the project I prioritized fixing bugs and the 'feel' of the first person character controller. The biggest issues were the camera, which had issues clamping when rotating up or down 90 degrees, and being able to climb really steep slopes.
Another big change for this week was the decision to move from using the default Unity terrain, to using the landscaping tool Gaia for our project. This gives us much more control over the landscape, but at the cost of adding nearly 3GB to the project size. This has resulted in much longer import and load times from the cloud, but it should be worth it in the end.
In addition to landscapes, Gaia comes with some post process volumes that can significantly improve the look and feel of the scene, and make it more in the style we are aiming for.
*Gaia landscape without post processing *Gaia landscape with post processing:

The models and textures are starting to come along for the project as well, here is just one of the assets that has been significantly improved over the last week, (not modeled/textured by me).
*Main bridge model UV'd and wood texture applied *Main bridge asset textured in Unity

Before the end of the week, I started working on user interface components, such as a HUD display to show how many pickups you've collected. I also created a basic collectable to test out the UI, and started working on a pause menu and a settings menu.
Reference images from Apex Legends:

Custom HUD Inventory

Custom Settings Slider

Custom Menu Button

Custom Settings Button

Pickups, pause UI, & settings UI:
For Sprint 4 I plan to have completed most, if not all of the functionality for the pause and settings menus. With any extra time I will most likely attempt to play with the graphics settings to optimize game performance.